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BPB Associates Athletes Entertainers

Student-Athlete Draft-protection/Loss-of-value Insurance

  • College Draft-protection - Talented, potential high-draft picks may opt to stay in school rather than choose early draft entry. The risk of sustaining a career-ending sickness or injury should be considered in the decision-making process. These plans insure the future value of a professional career.
  • Loss of Value - Injury or sickness resulting in a professional contract offer for a dollar amount less than the amount predetermined by underwriters would trigger a prorated benefit to compensate for the “loss-of-value” in the assumed contract.

Student-athletes who have demonstrated professional potential up to 3 years prior to their draft eligibility may apply. Plans are guaranteed-renewable until date professional contract signed and team physical passed, whichever occurs first. Rates are subject to 3rd-party scouting reports, and Lloyd’s of London sports underwriter evaluations. Benefits are paid as a one-time, tax-free lump sum.

Preferred Lloyd’s Cover-Holders

Professional Services

  • Loss of Future Earnings
  • Loss of Endorsements
  • Cost of Agents/Managers
  • High Limit Death & Dismemberment Benefits
  • Specialty Foreign-Travel Risk Solutions

About BossPro Benefits

Including an initial 9-year stint with Prudential Financial, Brian Boss and Boss-Pro Benefits have served as Insurance and Financial Services providers since 1985. Located in Greater Atlanta, we specialize in Life and Disability insurance planning, Athlete and Entertainer Specialty Cover, International Specialty Cover, Employer Risk Management, and Individual Wealth-preservation solutions. Brian attended Auburn University and resides with his family in Tyrone, GA

Brian is a commercial member of the National Association of Athletics Compliance (NAAC)

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