BPB Associates Int'l Travel Contingencies

Why Travel Insurance?

Today, the demand for international insurance products is greater than ever due to the increasing mobility of business people, as well as leisure travelers.  Domestic insurance coverage does not accommodate these travelers because it usually does not cover them when they leave their home country.  Even if their current plan offers international coverage, usually it is for a limited time, and offers only minimal benefits.

Important Benefits
What features should you look for in an international plan?  Whichever plan you choose, make sure that it offers the usual, basic medical coverage that you would expect at home.  Additionally, look for a plan that offers benefits specifically needed by international travelers such as:

  • Emergency Evacuation
  • Repatriation
  • Emergency Reunion
  • Trip Cancellation
  • Hazardous sport and activities cover (optional), and
  • Terrorism cover (optional)

Product Fit

At BPB Associates, we offer a complete line of quality international coverage from the International Medical Group®(IMG®) including short-term travel medical, long-term individual medical, group medical insurance, yearly executive coverage, and group and individual coverage for mission trips and missionaries.

For rates, benefits, and information:

Travel Medical Insurance - International Medical Group