BPB Associates Long Term Care

Long term care insurance provides financial support and resources to those in need of maintaining the basic necessities of life in the event of a long term care event. BPB Associates Individual and Group plans ensure that employees are provided reimbursement and/or cash benefits if they qualify for long term coverage and are unable to perform the essential Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s).

A variety of options for long term care coverage

Long term care insurance can function as a core component to an employee benefit package or individual risk portfolio. BPB Associates can help tailor the precise terms and options available for this segment of your group or individual coverage plan in accordance with your budget and business objectives. Whether you choose options that include additional insurance, specific maximum payments, or opt to combine coverage with other medical services, we can help to determine the plan that best suits your needs.

For further information and resources, please contact BPB Associates at (770) 632-2733